Well, when I saw these mailbags I knew right away what to do with them. This upcycle design is called ‘Empty Mailbag‘ and shows a vintage used Dutch mailbag upside down, symbolizing a mailbag after the job is done, empty.
All mailbag lampshades and pendant lights I had seen so far, were made by cutting up a bag or using fake fabric. I wanted to show the mailbag in all its glory without changing to much of its shape. The holes I made where to let light shine through and let one look inside the lamp. The design is a pendant that casts a spot of light on a floor or table. The white stripe, one of the flag colors, is nice and bright.
This upcycle design pendant shows a nice piece of Dutch history.

Empty Mailbag: Original Dutch mailbag pendant by Gilbert de Rooij

Empty Mailbag: Original Dutch mailbag pendant by Gilbert de Rooij

Empty Mailbag: Original Dutch mailbag pendant by Gilbert de Rooij

Empty Mailbag: Original Dutch mailbag pendant by Gilbert de Rooij

Empty Mailbag: Original Dutch mailbag pendant by Gilbert de Rooij

Empty Mailbag: Original Dutch mailbag pendant by Gilbert de Rooij